The season of Spring is upon us; the threshold has been crossed and winter has stepped back. The days are getting a longer, bringing with that, more daylight. Nature If you go out into nature now, you’ll see budburst on trees. This is where all the leaves freshly emerge like small beacons of …
Emerging into Spring
The spring equinox is here where day and night are equal in length. The light is increasing, and we step more fully from Winter into Spring. The buds are bursting, the bird song is increasing in volume as nature re-awakens from the resting of winter. Cycles of nature As we align ourselves to the cycles …
Stepping into Spring
The season of spring is upon us in the northern hemisphere. The darkness is starting to strip back with more light filtering through into our days. This is symbolic of times in our life when we feel the darkness creeping in and when we feel the weight of every day demands sitting on our shoulders. …