Who is this course for?

Everyone. If you find a calling to connect to nature, a pull to (re)connect to yourself and a desire to enhance your wellbeing then this course is for you.

What will I achieve from this course?

How to connect to nature,
Understand how nature is part of you,
How to deepen your connection to nature,
How to create a relationship with nature,
Understand how relationship with nature can increase self-belief,
Connecting and re-connecting to your authentic inner nature,
How to promote self-care and enhance wellbeing,
Improve focus and attention on you and the environment around you, and
Understand how nature can boost wellbeing.

What do I need?

  • No prior knowledge
  • An open heart
  • Quiet, comfortable space with access to zoom
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Journal
  • Small stone or rock
  • Paintbrush/paint/pens
  • Mobile phone and WhatsApp for access to private group.

Is this course for me?

The course is a combination of meeting virtually online and going out into nature wherever you live so you can be guided from anywhere. You can work at your own pace with all zoom catch ups being recorded and sent out weekly to all participants. To get the most from this course, connecting and sharing with fellow participants in your cohort is encouraged.

This is a practical course with weekly invitations to go into nature, doing and being with yourself and the natural world around you.

Where can I go?

Find your little patch of nature, whether it be urban, countryside, waterside. You can visit your local park, woodland, river, wetlands, anywhere that you feel drawn to and are able to get to easily and safely.

How can this course help me?

My course is designed to create ways to connect to nature and deepen your relationship with the natural world. Nature is within us; we are a part it. Finding this connection enables a way to re-connect to yourself, re-discover your nature within and aid in enhancing your wellbeing.

How does the course work?

By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of how to connect to nature and deepen your relationship to it. You will have an understanding of how nature can enhance wellbeing and be able to utilise techniques you have been guided through every time you go out into nature and as often as needed.

How long is the course?

The course is 6 weeks, meeting once a week for roughly an hour on zoom to come together, be guided, and share the week’s invitations and prompts.

How does the course work?

I will offer you a pre course phone call to welcome you and help you prepare for week one and invite you to the course WhatsApp group for your cohort.

We will meet once a week online via zoom on a Saturday morning to review and reflect on the week’s invitations and prompts. I will then guide you through the following weeks invitations.